Zorg en Zekerheid - Scroll down for case film

How we turned
a health insurer into a book publisher.

To help a stressed-out generation clear their heads, we developed Six Minute Stories, as an initiative of health insurer Zorg en Zekerheid. This series of smartphone-sized booklets, written by popular Dutch writers (including Herman Koch, Pepijn Lanen, Marieke Lucas Rijneveld and Mano Bouzamour) were published by Zorg en Zekerheid and launched at its own literary event called ‘Het Boekjesbal’. We’ve made 16 booklets in total - season 1 & 2 . You can find out more about the stories and who wrote them on the website: www.sixminutestories.nl

The project won multiple (inter)national awards: 4 ADCN Lamps, Gold at the European Design Award, an Esprix, an Epica, a SAN and an Effie.

Als er één ding is wat je als gestreste student moet weten, dan is het dit: ongeluk zit dan misschien in een klein hoekje, maar geluk zit in een klein boekje.
— Martijn de Groot, philosophy student

Het Boekjesbal (Booklett Ball Event) with Herman Koch, Mano Bouzamour, Pepijn Lanen, Tim den Besten, Anna Drijver & Elfie Tromp

Signing sessions with Anna Drijver (top) and Mano Bouzamour (down)

Concept created with Sharon de Graaf | Agency: Dawn | Client: Zorg en Zekerheid | Illustrations Season 1 by Sue Doeksen | Illustrations Season 2 by Xaviera Altena | Animation by Ambassadors | Music by Rimer London | Video content by RubenPaulRuben


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