

By far the most visible work I’ve ever made (for now).

At a cinema like Pathé you can easily make your day exciting. Or romantic, freaky, adventurous or silly. Movies have the power to summon almost any emotion. Those emotions and movie genres were the basis for these new leaders and bumpers: a big main leader, a phone-on-silent-bumper, a trailer-bumper and even a 3D-bumper (experience this at Pathé with 3D-glasses). The new program is shown right before every movie in 27 cinemas throughout the Netherlands for the next ten years.

The disturbance and countdown bumper

The phone-on-silent-bumper

Concept created with Sharon de Graaf | Agency: Dawn | Client: Pathé | | Illustration & Animation by Bob Mayata | Music & SFX by Feike de Wit (Soundcircus)


The Science of Kissing


One shot, one truth