Schermafbeelding 2023-03-04 om 10.43.02.png


The Dutch go crazy for a little bit of sun.

Probably because we get so little of it. When a Dutch person sees the sun he or she does everything to enjoy it. Even if it’s way too cold to sit in the park or on that terrace. For Eneco, a big green energy company in the Netherlands, we capitalised on this emotion. We told people Eneco has a little bit of sun for you for free! (if you sign with them of course)

This little bit of sun (StukjeZon®) is your very own solar panel in one of Eneco’s solar parks and provides you with green clean energy throughout the year.


The Dutch king wanted solar panels on his palace. Although a king normally gets what he wants, he was prohibited by the Dutch government. That’s why we drove to the palace and made him an offer he couldn’t refuse: “Your majesty, why don’t you get a StukjeZon®?'“

Concept created with Sharon de Graaf | Creative Agency: Dawn | Client: Eneco | | Production Company: Bonkers United & Mr. Frank | Directed by Bram Schouw | DOP Gregg Telussa | Edited by Brian Ent | Grading by Laurens Orij | Sound by Feike de Wit (Soundcircus)


The Belsimpel Method™


Imaginary Mentor